Two Sweet Desserts from your Pantry
I have been posting delinquent for quite some time. Blogging hasn't been a high priority with moving, working full time, and getting ready to have a baby in 8 weeks. I have had a few recipe successes that I wanted to share and record for myself for future use.
I am always looking for incredibly easy recipes that can be made entirely from your pantry and are if you have any send them my way. The Pioneer Woman has an out of control blog that posts step by step photos of each recipe she does. She posted Baked Fudge a week or so ago that takes about 5 mins to assemble and uses just eggs, sugar, cocoa powder, flour, butter, and vanilla. The result reminded me of Roy's Chocolate Souffle I posted on several several months back except with much less leg work. I highly recommend this for an instant chocolate fix. I would also like to give a shout out to the PW's homeschooling blog if your interested in that kind of thing.
A friend posted a link to a recipe on Williams-Sonoma on Facebook, so I decided to check out the site. It has an awesome database of recipes that I wasn't aware of! Shortbread is one of my favorite cookies because it is a perfect accompaniment to my favorite beverage tea. This recipe takes 5 minutes and is great for a last minutes dessert using only butter (of course), confectioners sugar, sugar, vanilla, flour, and salt. Check it out here: Scotch Shortbread. I am looking forward to trying some of their seafood recipes in the near future.I'm not big on kitchen gadgets, but I saw the Misto listed as one of the must have items for the kitchen in some magazine. It essentially pumps to spray any oil you like. Mine is stocked with olive oil, since I now spray it on veggies, meat, bread instead of the drizzle I used to do. You can get one on Amazon or Bed, Bath, and Beyond. If you do get one, the trick to keeping it in top notch shape, is to release the pressure on can after each use. My baked fudge timer went off, so I have to stop blogging. Bon Appetit.
Thought for the Day: We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
~Alfred E. Newman