Sunday, February 20, 2011

Amazon Fresh Review and Homemade Cleaners

I have been wanting to try out Amazon Fresh for a while, so when I got a $50 off $100 coupon from Amazon Mom I got the motivation I needed. I have also seen random promotion codes for this same deal for first time customers. If you can get 50% off, I would definitely jump on the deal.

The prices were pretty close to what you would find in a typical grocery store without any sales. First I purchased items I needed to fill out my meals for the week. Shipping is free if you order over $75 and I was able to schedule my order for the next day.

The produce was very fresh and good quality. If you have the mentality its 50% off, then the prices were very good and beat most sales in store. Wyatt loves pork, so I got two 10 oz. french cut bone in center cut pork chops. It is actually hard to find this cut in stores in Seattle. We had these grilled for dinner last night and they were superb.

My 7th Generation stockpile was dwindling from the last Fred Meyer 50% off sale and I have had making my own cleaners on my to do list for about 2 years. I ordered Castile Soap and Borax from Amazon Fresh. The prices were actually cheaper than any I have seen in store. I plan to use the recipes for all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, mopping liquid, etc from the Wholesome Mommy blog. She even has labels with the ratios you can print out. My Whole Living magazine had a recipe for DIY Sugar Scrub this month. I am a bath person, so I bought raw sugar and lemons to try out this for myself!

Finally if you need to fill out the $100, the wine prices are really good. Several local wineries from Woodinville are featured on the site. I really like going to the Novelty Hill/Januik winery in Woodinville for tastings and they have affordable delicious wine. The Novelty Hill Royal Slope Red is only $11.99, which is the cheapest I have seen it priced. Overall, I think Amazon Fresh is a great option to have on those weeks when you don't want to venture out to the store.

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