Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Japan in a Nutshell

I have not been able to share as much about Japan in this blog as I have wanted. My lovely fiance has uploaded a selection of pictures from the Kansai region: Kyoto

Unfortunately, I will not have time to write about all our adventures, but you might get some idea from the shots. Here is a snapshot of Tokyo.

If you like the cuisine you see, you can get a taste of a large portion of it at a Japanese store near Schaumburg, Mitsuwa. The food court there feels like a little piece of Tokyo.

Next up, San Antonio and Austin. We love cultural travel and it doesn't get much better than the country of Texas!

Thought for the day: Good-bye, Japan! I'll miss you Kentucky Fried Chicken and your sparkling, whale-free seas. ~Bart Simpson

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