Grand Canyon Camping Anyone....Anyone?
Some people may say I am not an outdoors woman. Sure I enjoy a good 5 star hotel provided by my company every now and again, but I can rough it with the best of em. Does that mean downloading nature music on Itunes and putting up a tent in my living room...sometimes.
I can now say I have camped in 100 F and 32 F. Of course, Wyatt was the first to point out frost had formed on his hair after I took everyone's blankets in the tent, but I was there when it formed snuggled up in a cozy, warm...anyways. When the rental agent said he had a Mustang, I quickly replied Woohoo, without thinking about the lack of space for camping gear and Wyatt's sister Holly. I was concerned with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and garlic while shopping for foodstuff for camping, but didn't think about matches, firewood, hot dogs.What a better place to camp than the Grand Canyon? I am still in awe of the beauty, which these pictures cannot do justice. We spent several hours hiking into the canyon. I was terrified of the drop offs whe
re one slip of the foot would have been my demise. I am currently learning about humility and as Mark Driscoll would say--You [I] am ridiculous. So I laugh at the video now of my camping adventures.
I look forward to our next camping foray, whether in the living room or nature. Where do we go from here, only God knows...
Thought for the day: God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Martin Luther
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