Out with the Old, in with the New?
I don't have a list of New Year's resolutions, but I thought I would share some things I plan to do in the New Year. A lot of them I started last year and have been worthwhile.
Bible Reading Plan
Wyatt and I read through the Bible in 2007 using the Discipleship Reading Plan. It targets about 20 minutes a day to get through the Old and New Testament in a year. This year we're kicking it up a notch to the M'Cheyne Schedule, which goes through the Old Testament once and New Testament twice. This site is awesome and will RSS the daily readings to you in what ever version you would like (mine is set to ESV).
That brings me to my next point, if you read blogs you should use an RSS reader. Wyatt got me addicted last year and my Internet surfing efficiency has increased 100 fold. I recommend Google Reader if you already have a gmail account. A sneak peak into my RSS reader and you would find BBC News, Desiring God Blog, Justin Taylor Blog, Joshua Harris Blog, Solo Femininity, Stand to Reason Blog, TheResurgence Blog, Hungry Magazine, Slashfood...and so on.
Shop Clearance
Walmart never ceases to amaze me. My best find of the year was a George brand black 3/4 dress shirt for $1 (marked down from $15.82)! I really can't remember the last time I spent more than $10 on a clothing item. Walmart and Meijer has seriously shifted my price points. January tends to be a great time to get 75%. Get Creative
I'm not really into all the scrap booking and pre-packaged DIY that's popular these days, but I do enjoy making thing with left over items around the house. Lately I have been into making cards with buttons and wire. Also a great way to recycle and curb your carbons.
Try Something New
Its easy to fall into the same routine of the Sizzler on Friday night, must see Thursday TV, and Saturday morning freebies at SAMs. From the predictability of our monthly spending patterns, I am convinced the government could easily pinpoint a time to kill me at the grocery store if needed (sorry just watched the Bourne Ultimatum). The tea picture on the left might look odd, but it is some of the most delicious jasmine tea around. Happy New Year!
Thought for the day: The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. Unless a man starts on the strange assumption that he has never existed before, it is quite certain that he will never exist afterwards. Unless a man be born again, he shall by no means enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. ~GK Chesterton
1 comment:
I love the wire cards. The frog was cool, but there were turtles and other things that were interesting too! I'd love to see a photo album of all of them. Unfortunately, I missed you brewing the tea, and I now want one! I was fortunate to ketch you doing kabuki dancing in your japanese garb. Great blog! Interesting content. HNY
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