Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Son of Sam, Son of Hope

I first heard David Berkowitz's story over 2 years ago. A coworker asked me what I was listening to and I said the testimony of David Berkowitz on Focus on the Family. I went on to explain he was a serial killer who converted to Christianity. My coworker immediately said he is going to hell, but I saw David as God did--forgiven. I was overwhelmed with compassion for a serial killer.

Unfortunately FOF no longer has the podcast up, but I recently came across a video that relays the powerful story. Check out David Berkowitz's homepage where you can view several videos on the first page. The video is so much more interesting than me writing out his testimony, so I highly encourage you to listen (Video link)

A lot of people talk about being good people or classify certain people as good people. I imagine in their minds David Berkowitz would fall under the category of a bad person. Somehow there is this scale under the law or under personal choices that make them good people or bad people.

The fact of the matter is all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. When I think of David Berkowitz , I see someone not so different from myself. How big is the grace of God? How deep is God's love? How wide is His mercy?

Thought for the day: This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles. Psalm 34

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Youtube has a four part series on Son of Sam that's good. Here's a link to part 3 of 4:


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