Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Curbing my Carbons

I am trying to inhale as much propaganda about global warming as possible. Then I will be able to make a well informed decision and reduce my carbons. I was especially delighted to hear they are showing the Al Gore documentary in many elementary schools and Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Did I miss the news flash that the sun grew 5 times in size or we are changing our orbital pattern? No, the sun has not changed, but apparently if I change one light bulb in my house I will be one step closer to saving the planet from....

Global warming was the cause of the fires in California that lambasted the news for weeks. I guess arsonists are going out of style. Ok, so I might have been listening to a lot of conservative talk radio lately, but this is getting ridiculous. The number of things caused by global warming is sky rocketing out of control.

I watched the Democratic debates on youtube this week and Im pretty sure the amount of hot air released will drastically reduce glacier sizes this year. My podcast plug for this blog is Dennis Prager's daily show on Townhall.com. This is a great way to get your daily political/news listen on your way to work. I am especially fond of his theory that TV and widespread college education are making us the "dumbest generation ever".

Don't worry, I am still a huge proponent of Earthpark 2010. Wyatt and I had a chance to visit the future site at Lake Red Rock, Pella, IA over Thanksgiving. Latest developments show agreements with Rwanda to bring the Great Ape Trust.

Thought for the Day: "If you asked me to name the 3 scariest threats facing the human race, I would give the same answer that most people would: nuclear war, global warming, and Windows"~Dave Barry

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