Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I for one would much rather have a bouquet of peppers than flowers any day. My lovely husband brought me a beautiful bouquet from Pike's Market for my birthday. An added bonus was the garlic for extra aroma. The great thing about this bunch is that it is edible for up to 2 years!

I hate it when people give statistics without support, but I am going to do it anyways. Al Mohler of the Salem Radio Network did a podcast a few days ago called The Twilight of Books?. He gave a statistic that 39% of homes in the US have the TV on from when they wake up to when they go to sleep. I have had the TV off for several months now and the silence is glorious. I can't say I miss seeing whether Britney Spears goes to Target or Costco.

Another rather alarming statistic is that nearly 90% of children born in the inner city are out of wedlock. I believe I got this statistic from Dennis Prager. The face of society is definitely changing. The push for so called "change" is ringing all around from the potential candidate for president. What are the implications of the above statistics? Feel free to post your thoughts.

Thought for the day: All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching? ~Nicholas Johnson


Wyatt said...

If it weren't for the internet and coffee houses, our society would probably start burning books too. :)

Wyatt said...

i want to eat those peppers


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